Other Details | Country of Origin or Manufacture or Assembly | India | Common or Generic Name of the commodity | Sofa & Chair Covers | Net Contents | 1 Throw | Manufacturer's Name & Address | Sandex Corp - Plot No. - B/49, Sec- B/2, U.P.S.I.D.C, Tronica City, Loni , Ghaziabad, U.P - 201102 | Size/Dimensions of the Commodity | Size - 130 X 150 cm | Packer's Name & Address | Sandex Corp - Plot No. - B/49, Sec- B/2, U.P.S.I.D.C, Tronica City, Loni , Ghaziabad, U.P - 201102 | Marketer's Name & Address | Plot No. - B/49, Sec- B/2, U.P.S.I.D.C, Tronica City, U.P - 201102 | Importer's Name & Address | Sandex Corp - Plot No. - B/49, Sec- B/2, U.P.S.I.D.C, Tronica City, Loni , Ghaziabad, U.P - 201102 | |