Other Details | Country of Origin or Manufacture or Assembly | India | Common or Generic Name of the commodity | Makeup Kits and Palettes | Net Contents | 200 g | Manufacturer's Name & Address | Ecotrail Personal Care Private Limited, Saket Estate, Vibhag-2, Moraiya, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 382213, Email- info@ecotrailpersonalcare.com | Size/Dimensions of the Commodity | 12*11*6.5 | Packer's Name & Address | Ecotrail Personal Care Private Limited, Saket Estate, Vibhag-2, Moraiya, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 382213, Email- info@ecotrailpersonalcare.com | Marketer's Name & Address | | Importer's Name & Address | Ecotrail Personal Care Private Limited, Saket Estate, Vibhag-2, Moraiya, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 382213, Email- info@ecotrailpersonalcare.com | |