Other Details | Country of Origin or Manufacture or Assembly | India | Common or Generic Name of the commodity | Balloons | Net Contents | 41 | Manufacturer's Name & Address | SMILE | Packer's Name & Address | HB BLUE BANNER, 2 GOLD CRTN, 2 BLUE STAR, 30 BLUE WHITE BALLOON, 1 ARCH 1 GLUE 3 CONFFETI, 6 NO. GOLD FOIL BALLOON | Marketer's Name & Address | KR | Importer's Name & Address | N/A | |
Product Content | Package Contents | HB BLUE BANNER, 2 GOLD CRTN, 2 BLUE STAR, 30 BLUE WHITE BALLOON, 1 ARCH 1 GLUE 3 CONFFETI, 6 NO. GOLD FOIL BALLOON | Product Weight (g) | 300 | |
General | Ideal For | Unisex | Age | 5-7 Years | |
Body | Product Length (in cm) | 22 | Product Breadth (in cm) | 14 | Material | Others | Product Height (in cm) | 4 | |