Other Details | Country of Origin or Manufacture or Assembly | India | Common or Generic Name of the commodity | Manual Toothbrushes | Net Contents | 4 | No. of Items inside | | Manufacturer's Name & Address | Varun Enterprises: Unit No. 38, Ground Floor, Virwani Industrial Estate,Off Western Express Highway, Goregaon East, Mumbai 400094 | Packer's Name & Address | Maxi Store: Unit No. 1, B Wing, Upper Ground Floor, Virwani Industrial Estate, Off Western Express Highway, Goregaon East, Mumbai 400063. | Marketer's Name & Address | Maxi Store,B-1, GF, VIRWANI INDL.,OPP. WESTERN EXP. HIGHWAY, Mumbai-400094 | Importer's Name & Address | NA | |