Other Details | Country of Origin or Manufacture or Assembly | China | Common or Generic Name of the commodity | Table Fans | Manufacturer's Name & Address | MZ Quqality talk Mumbai India | Packer's Name & Address | MZ Quality Talk | Marketer's Name & Address | | Importer's Name & Address | MZ Quality Talk | |
Warranty | Warranty | 1 Month | |
General | Brand | MZ QUALITY TALK | Motor Winding | Aluminium | Type | TableFan | No. of Blades | 3 | Model Name | MZ NeckFan | Body Material | Plastic | Motor Speed (RPM) | 200 | Color | Green | Product Weight (kg) | 0.2 | Sweep/Fan Size (in mm) | 175 | Number of Speed Settings | 3 | |
In the box | In the Box | Fan , Usb For Charging | |
Feature | Remote Control | No | Swing | Yes | Rechargeable | Yes | |
Power | Power Required (in V) | 2 | Power Consumption (in watt) | 10 | |