Other Details | Country of Origin or Manufacture or Assembly | China | Common or Generic Name of the commodity | USB Connectors & Hubs | Manufacturer's Name & Address | | Packer's Name & Address | | Marketer's Name & Address | | Importer's Name & Address | | |
PRODUCT WEIGHT(Grams) | Product Weight (g) | 45 | |
OVERVIEW | Brand | Quantum | No. of switches | 1 | Type | USB Hub | Length of cable | 1m | Model Number | Qhm6642 | |
PRODUCT DIMENSIONS | Product Depth (cm) | 3 | Product Height (cm) | 1 | Product Width (cm) | 2 | |
WARRANTY DETAILS | Warranty | 1 Year | |
SALES PACKAGE | In the box | 1 usb hub | |