Other Details | Country of Origin or Manufacture or Assembly | India | Common or Generic Name of the commodity | Immune Boosters | Net Contents | 1 | Manufacturer's Name & Address | Blue Star Nutrosanita Pvt Ltd, Plot No.6,Sector 56,Phase-4, HSIIDC, Kundli - 131028 | Packer's Name & Address | Triple MMM Logysmart Pvt Ltd, PLOT NO 142, DWARKA SECTOR 24, NEW DELHI - 110077 | Marketer's Name & Address | Doctorvahini Private Limited. 51, Okhla Phase III, Okhla Industrial Estate, New Delhi, Delhi 110020 | Importer's Name & Address | Doctorvahini Private Limited. 51, Okhla Phase III, Okhla Industrial Estate, New Delhi, Delhi 110020 | |