Other Details | Country of Origin or Manufacture or Assembly | India | Common or Generic Name of the commodity | Pen Sets | No. of Items inside | | Manufacturer's Name & Address | UJJi ENTERPRISES, PH: +91 9891674263 | Packer's Name & Address | UJJi ENTERPRISES, PH: +91 9891674263 | Marketer's Name & Address | UJJi ENTERPRISES, DELHI | Importer's Name & Address | UJJi ENTERPRISES, DELHI | |
Warranty | Warranty Description | Replacement of product for 6 months in case of manufacturing defect only and defects causesd due to improper usage not covers under warranty | Warranty | 6 Months | |
Specifications | Opening Mechanism | Twist | Line Point | Fine | Writing Point | 0.5 MM | |
Body | Product Height (cm) | 15 | Body Color | Grey | Product Length (cm) | 10 | Product Weight (g) | 300 | Material | Metal | Product Width (cm) | 10 | |