Other Details | Country of Origin or Manufacture or Assembly | India | Common or Generic Name of the commodity | Sunscreen | Net Contents | 100ml Yuthika Sunscreen Lotion SPF 30 PA+++ | Manufacturer's Name & Address | Yutika Natural Pvt. Ltd. - Plot No.1, Khasra No. 678/2, Siriyari Road, Village Vopari, Tehsil - Marwar Junction, Dist. Pali, Rajasthan 306023 | Packer's Name & Address | Yutika Natural Pvt. Ltd. - Plot No.1, Khasra No. 678/2, Siriyari Road, Village Vopari, Tehsil - Marwar Junction, Dist. Pali, Rajasthan 306023 | Marketer's Name & Address | Yutika Natural Pvt. Ltd. | Importer's Name & Address | NA | |