aalayam selveer Home Made Herbal Baby Bath Powder(Herbal Baby Ubtan) 1 Kg(1000 g)
Quick Overview
Aalayam Selveer's 100% Natural and Chemical Free, Home Made Herbal Baby Bath Powder(Herbal Baby Ubtan) is Unique and Premium bath powder with 7 Natural Herbs as ingredients which gently cleans and removes the dirt and protects the baby, it is an aromatic, smooth and gentle herbal bath powder which can be used for babies of age group 0 to 6 years. it's 100% natural, herbal and chemical free ingredients acts as anti-oxidants with anti-inflammatory, anti-septic, and anti-bacterial properties and making it as an excellent herbal/traditional/natural replacement for baby bathing soap/baby shampoo. Ingredients : Neem Leaves, Rose Petals, Khus Grass(Vetiver), Kapur Kachri(Poolan Kizhangu), Sweet Flag(Vasambu), Reetha(Boondi Kottai), Green Gram. Directions to use : Take the required amount of this powder in a bowl and add water/milk/rose water(as desired) to make it into a thick paste, apply the paste thorought the body and head with your fingertips and rub it very gently, rinse well with water before the paste dries. Can be used daily for Boy or Girl baby.