Climate Change, Forest and Forest Mangament(English, Hardcover, Ciesta William M.)
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This publication presents a review of the current state of knowledge of global climate change, as it applies to forest and forest management, in question and answer format. It addresses the dynamic nature of the earth's climate, the greenhouse effect, predicted effects of climate change, the global carbon cycle, trees and forests as sources and sinks of carbon, possible effects of climate change on forests, means of helping forests adapt to climate change and how forests can mitigate predicted effects of climate change. Table of Contents Chapter 1: The Earth's Climate: A Dynamics Entity; How Are Weather and Climate Defines?, To What Extent Has the Earth's Climate Changed During the Course of Geologic History?, What Changes Have Occured in the Earth's Climate Since the Beginning of Recorded Human History?, What Factors Can Cause Changes in the Earth's Climate?, Chapter 2: The Greenhouse Effect; What is the Greenhouse Effect and How Does it Influence the Earth's Climate?, Which Gases are Considered to be GHGS and What are the Sources of These Gases?, What is the Significance of Human Sources of GHGS?, Do All GHGS have an Equal Warming Effect?, What Evidence Exists to Support the Idea that GHG Levels in the Atmosphere are Increasing?, Which Countries Presentaly Make the Greatest Contribution to Elevated Levels of GHGS?, How Can Aerosols Counteract the Effects of GHGS, Chapter 3: Predicted Changes in the Earth's Climate and Expected Effects; In General, What are the Predicted Effects of Increased Levels of GHGS on the Earth's Climate?, How are Changes in the Earth's Climate Predicted?, How Reliable are Present Predictions of Climate Change?, What Changes in Climate are Predicted with a Doubling of CO2 from Pre-Industrial Revolution Levels?, Is the Climate of Some Regions of the World Expected to Change to a Greater Degree than Others?, What Changes in the Levle of the Oceans are Expected Due to Climate Change?, How Will Plants, Including Trees, be Influenced by Changes in the Levels of GHGS in the Earth's Atmosphere and Resultant Changes in Temperature and Precipitation?, How Might Soils be Affected by Changes in Climate?, Is There Any Evidence Which Indicates That Climate Changes May Have Already Occurred Due to Increase in GHG Levels?, Chapter 4: The Global Carbon Cycle; What Processes Exist for the Exchange of Carbon Between the Atmosphere, the Oceans and the Land?, How are Exchanges of Carbon Expressed?, What is the Present Levle of Carbon Exchange Between the Atmosphere, the Oceans and the Land?, Chapter 5: Trees and Forests as Sources and Sinks of Carbon; How Much of the Earth's Surface is Presently Covered by Forests and Other Woody Vegetation?, What Processes Occur in Trees and Forests Which Contribute to Changes in Levels of GHGS in the Earth's Atmosphere?, How Much Carbon is Released and How Much is Taken up Annually by Forests?, Do Different Forest Ecosystems Vary in their Capacity to Absorb and Store Carbon?, Do Trees and Forests Remove Carbon from the Earth's Atmosphere at Different Rates During Different Stages in their Lives?, Which Human Activities in Forests and Woodlands Contribute to Increases in the Levels of GHGS?, What are the Current Rates of Deforestation in the World's Forests?, How are Forest Soils Affected by Deforestation?, Chapter 6: Possible Effects of Climate Change on Forests; What Changes in Growth and Yield of Trees and Forests Can be Expected as a Result of Climate Change?, What Changes Can be Expected in the Natural Ranges of Tree Species and Plant Communities Due to Climate Change?, What is the Likelihood that Climate Change Could Threaten Some Species or Plant Communities with Extinction?, How Might Climate Change Influence the Incidence and Intensity of Wildfires?, What are the Expected Effects of Climate Change on Forest Health Including Susceptibility to Pests and Disease or Decline?, Chapter 7: Helping Forests Adapt to Climate Change; How Can we Respond to Predicted Climate Change?, Do Natural Processes Exist Which Can Help Trees and Forests Adapt to a Changing Climate?, How Can Forest Management Help Forests Adapt to Climate Change?, What Can be Done to Help Forests Adapt to Increased Hazards of Wildfire and (or) Pest and Disease Outbreaks Which Could Result from Climate Change?, Chapter 8: The Role Forests in Mitigating the Effects of Climate Change; What Opportunities Do Forests and Forest Management Offer for Mitigating the Effects of Predicted Climate Change?, What Features Should Characterize Actions Taken to Mitigate Potential Effects of Climate Change?, What Additional Research is Needed to More Fully Understand the Potential Effects of Climate Change on Trees and Forests and Forestry and to Develop Adaptation and Mitigation Tactics?, Do International Agreements Exist Which Encourage Development and Protection of Forests to Enhance their Ability to Mitigate the Effects of Climate Change?, How Can the Tropical Forests action Programme (TFAP) Assist in Developing Forest Sector Programmes to Help Mitigate Effects of Climate Change?, Chapter 8A: Reducing Sources of Greenhouse Gases; What Actions Can be Taken to Reduce the Current Rates of Tropical Deforestation and How Might this Affect Emissions of GHGS from Forests?, What Can be Done to Reduce the Frequency and Scale of Forests and Savanna Woodland Consumed by Biomass Burnning?, How Can Increasing the Efficiency of Burning Fuel Wood and Other Biofuels Reduce Emissions of GHGS?, How Cane Use of Wood and Other Biofuels in Place of Fossil Fuels Help Reduce the Levels of GHGS in the Atmosphere?, How Can More Efficient Timber Harvesting Operations Reduce Emissions of GHGS from Forests?, Chapter 8B: Maintaining Existing Sinks of Greenhouse Gases; How Can Management and Conservation of Natural Forests Enhance their Capacity to Fix and Store Carbon?, What Uses of Forests and Forest Products are Most Desirable the Standpoint of Long Term Carbon Storage?, Chapter 8C: Expanding Sinks of Greenhouse Gases; How Much Carbon Can be Fixed in Wood and Soil on a Per Hectare Basis in Forest Plantations in Boreal, Temperate and Tropical Zones?, How Much Additional Area of Forest Plantations Would be Required to Fully Offset Present Annual Increases in GHG Levels from All Sources?, To What Extent are Suitable Lands Available for Afforestation and Reforestation? Where are They?, Other Than Availability of Land, What Other Constraints are there to Large Scale Afforestation Initiatives?, What Assistance is Available to Support Afforestation and Reforestation, Particularly at the International Level?, How Can Agroforestry and Urban Tree Plantings Contribute to the Mitigation of Climate Change?, Is the Planting of Trees Solely for CO2 Absorption a Sound Policy Considering Other Needs for Available Land?, What Forest Policies Should be Considered at the Country Level to Address the Threat of Climate Change?