Computer Science and Information Technology Gate 2021(English, Paperback, Kirupani Shanti)
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GATE- Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering is an examination which opens the gateway tobooming public organisations and in the field of research. GATE is an All-India examinationadministered and conducted in eight zones across the country by the GATE Committeecomprising of faculty members from IISc, Bangalore and other seven IIT�s on behalf of theNational Coordinating Board, Department of Education, Ministry of Human ResourcesDevelopment.Presenting, the series for GATE Preparation called GATE Tutor� that gives complete support.The books from this series have been developed for students who are preparing for gateexamination, giving Unitwise and Topicwise collection of theory and Questions- Answers.The revised edition of �GATE Tutor for Computer Science 2021� has been designed to helpstudents to get away with their initial qualms about the GATE. These study guides strictlyadheres to the prescribed syllabus. All the chapters have been divided into smaller units foreasy learning & Understanding. Also, each chapter is accompanied by various exercises (2 or 3Unit Exercises, Common Data/ linked answers questions), designed exactly on GATE paperpattern, providing the collection of Unitwise Numerical Answer Type questions. Previous Years�Solved Papers [2012 � 20] and 5 mock tests given in the book that analyzes the pattern andcheck the level of your preparedness. It is one of our best-selling series of book deliveringexcellent assistance to students towards GATE Exam Preparation.TABLE OF CONTENTSolved Papers [2012�20], General Aptitude, Engineering Mathematics, Computer Science &Information Technology, Unitwise Numerical, Answer Type Questions, Mock Tests (1-5), NewlyAdded Topics in Syllabus.