Theory(CSE-2025)-History of Modern India(Paperback, Next IAS Editorial Board)
Quick Overview
This book has been prepared by a team of experts keeping in mind the evolving pattern of UPSC exam, tracing the time period from Later Mughals till Independence. Apart from regular chronological events, a section has also been dedicated to the comparative study of important personalities making it exhaustive source material for both Prelims and Mains Examination.To ensure that you have exam ready notes for all stages of the exam, both detailed analysis, and micro notes have been included along with unique and easy to understand flowcharts, block diagrams, engaging pictures to make reading rich, interesting and revision friendly, helping you save the effort and time for the exam.We sincerely hope the objective with which this book has been prepared is realised and you make the most of your effort through efficient reading and retention, thus maximising your chances of selection.