0.91 Carats Natural Emerald (Panna) UnHeated UnTreated by AstroGem.co.in
Quick Overview
Natural Emerald. Indian Astrological Name Panna. This Emerald is suggested Origin From ZAMBIA & the Gem is Authentic with guarantee report from RAREGEM.IN. The EMERALD GemStone is Un-Heated & Un-Treated and thus 100% effective for BirthStone and Astrological Purpose. GemStone Details: Authentic RareGem.IN report attached. Emerald is a symbol of love and generosity. An Emerald gifted by your beloved will bring you good fortune. Emerald gives auspicious results to people whose birth-sign is Gemini or Virgo. It gives good health, wealth and happiness in life. It reduces the possibilities of snake-bite. If this gem is worn by a pregnant woman, she will not endure prolonged labor-pains. Emerald reduces mental stress and keeps blood circulation normal and regular. It develops tolerance and mental stability in the native.. For Customer Awareness: Sapphire GemStone Astrological Benefit Chart. A GemStone suaitable for BirthStone & Astrological Purposes available in the market is generally of 3 Types. 1) Natural Un-Heated & Un-Treated GemStone - 100% Astrological Benefit 2) Natural Enhanced/Heated/Treated GemStone 10- 50% Astrlogocal Benefit reason being the stone is color enhanced. Buy With Confidence @ RareGem.IN Original GemStones.