12 Mukhi Rudraksha (12 Face beads)
Quick Overview
This Rudraksha belongs to Twelve Panth. In actual it was originally 12 and a half path initially. The world is run by Terah Mukh i.e. four faced Brahmma, Tri(three) Mukh Vishnu, Chah(six) Mukhi Shankar. The wearer of this Rudraksha get all the blessing of the above deities and get the Darshan of all of them. All these powers remains with the wearer of this Rudraksha. This Rudraksha removes all the sins. The person who wear this Rudraksha get Punya equivalent to the donating 108 cows.
The 12 Mukhi Rudraksha is the Centre of Brilliancy and Lustre and Radiance and Strength of 12 forms of the God The Sun SURYA. The wearer of this Rudraksha gets the quality of Surya to move continuously with brilliant radiance and strength. This Rudraksha gives knowledge and riches and all the earthly pleasures and is found miraculously effective.