5.25 Carat 100 Original Certified Ceylon Natural Yellow Sapphire Gemstone (Pukhraj)
Quick Overview
Yellow Sapphire Stone is known in Sanskrit as Pushparaag. Peetmani, Guru Ratna, Gurupriya Pushparaaj are the common Indian names. In English Yellow Sapphire Stone, in Persian as Yakoot and in Urdu as Asphar. It is an attractive stone of light yellow color. It is genuinely mesmerizing due to its unique color characteristics and various cuts so that it generally draws the attention of each pair of eyes around it instinctively. Yellow Sapphire exudes an alluring bright yellow color. It is believed that when placed on a bud it will make it bloom into a flower. Yellow sapphire also is known as Pukhraj gemstone in Hindi is the gem proposed for Jupiter Planet, which is the largest and heaviest planet among all the planets in our solar system. Jupiter is male, disciplined, obliging, and divine. It is a gigantic, self-illuminating planet, radiating more energy than it receives.
Benefits of Yellow Sapphire:-
1) Balancing the Vishudha chakra, Pukhraj stone is known to improve communication and expression of thought thereby improving the creativity of a person.
2) From a medical perspective, the stone is effective when suffering from jaundice, skin troubles, blood circulation issues, accumulation of fat, liver, throat, and lung ailments.
3) Since Pukhraj is the gemstone of Jupiter the Guru of the Devtas it blesses its wearer with wisdom, knowledge, high moral values, auspicious wealth and good health amongst many other things. Since it is the significator of Husband in a Female’s chart the Gemstone of Jupiter Blesses the wearer with Deergha Mangalya Balam- the Yoga that confers a happy, long, auspicious married life.
4) Known to improve the financial status of its wearer, this gemstone brings prosperity, honour, good name, and success.
5) Pukhraj stone is also known to unite separated lovers, thereby helping them embark on new journey together.