Beelicious Himalayan Honey with Cardamom 100 Natural No Sugar Added ISO HALAL Certified 250g
Quick Overview
As a company, we are 100% chemical-free in all of our operations. Our honey may crystallize/granulate after a certain time as they are 100% pure and not commercially processed. This is not a problem or sign of adulteration (added sugar looks very different from naturally crystallized honey) but a further sign of our honey’s authentic quality. If you prefer honey in a clear liquid state, then simply warm it mildly to liquefy.
Specialty: The Beelicious Honey range is steeped in Goodness. We only use a coarse filtering approach to retain the goodness and Pollen. Our honey is not commercially processed and therefore retains all the nutrients, enzymes, vitamins, antioxidants, flavonoids and medicinal compounds. It has No preservatives, additives or artificial flavour.
Benefits: It is extremely efficient in aiding digestion. Very potent in anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti- carcinogenic and anti-viral properties.
Uses: This honey can be inculcated in one’s daily diet as a sugar substitute to make the food super delicious and healthy too. Pour it in your tea, smoothies, or De-tox water, use it as salad dressing and glaze your veggies or chicken with it. It enhances the taste of every dish.
Form: Beelicious Himalayan Honey with Cardamom has a beautiful dark golden colour and one can easily taste the Cardamom in the honey. It has a thick syrupy consistency.
Certification: Beelicious Honey range is ISO, Halal, NMR, GMP, HACCP & quality in business certified.
Process: Beelicious conveys the required quantity to their farmers for the season. Our farmers then place the bee boxes at the selected location, based on the flora; where bees collect honey naturally from the flowers and deposit it in the honeycombs and seal it with natural bee wax. Our farmers then collect this honey from the bee boxes using an electric or mechnical extractor. The harvested honey goes through testing for quality, first on field, with imported, portable test kits and the selected honey is packed in food-grade drums and coded for traceability and then sent to the Beelicious facility from where a sample goes to an external lab for further testing. Once all tests are cleared, the honey is filtered only at 40 degrees, to keep the enzymes and nutrients intact. Lastly, it is packed in glass, food-grade jars, ready to deliver to customers. The enitre process is inline and contactless to maintain the best possible hygiene.
Disclaimer: As a company, we are 100% chemical-free in all of our operations. Our honey may crystallize/granulate after a certain time as they are 100% pure and not commercially processed. This is not a problem or sign of adulteration (added sugar looks very different from naturally crystallized honey); but a further sign of our honey’s authentic quality. If you prefer honey in a clear liquid state, then simply warm it mildly to liquify.