Beelicious Honey SHOTZ 100 Natural No Sugar Added ISO HALAL Certified 80g
Quick Overview
As a company, we are 100% chemical-free in all of our operations. Our honey may crystallize/granulate after a certain time as they are 100% pure and not commercially processed. This is not a problem or sign of adulteration (added sugar looks very different from naturally crystallized honey) but a further sign of our honey’s authentic quality. If you prefer honey in a clear liquid state, then simply warm it mildly to liquefy.
Beelicious Honey Shotz is a box of 8 assorted shotz that consists of six different types of honey. Each shot is 10g.
Beelicious is high quality, premium honey, sourced from the best farms and forests across Kashmir, Himachal, Punjab and Haryana. Our honey is collected by our well trained bee-keeper family and tested on field with imported, portable test kits.
We do not process the honey commercially; it is only filtered and packed. Beelicious honey retains all the enzymes, vitamins, nutrients and all the natural goodness.
Our honey is responsibly sourced from local producers and bee keepers. When you choose beelicious, you choose more than just a commitment towards your health you choose to support your community and your planet.
As a conscious brand. We are consistently committed to restoring our ecosystem and creating economic opportunity through our Biodiversity and sustainability initiatives.