CSIR NET General Aptitude (Part-A) 2023 - Comprehensive Theory Practice Book with Solved Question Papers
Quick Overview
IFAS is India's No. 1 CSIR UGC NET, SET & GATE Institute. This book is written by Dr. Kailash Choudhary who have secured CSIR JRF AIR 1, GATE AIR 1 and guided 20,000+ students to qualify CSIR JRF, GATE & SET Examination. This Book focus on important Topics according to new trends of various Competitive Exams such as CSIR - UGC NET, GATE, SET, and DBT exams. Aptitude Section has a major role to play in CSIR NET, GATE, SET, DBT irrespective of your subject stream be it Mathematical Sciences, Physical Sciences, Chemical Sciences, Life Sciences, and Earth Sciences. CSIR NET general aptitude covers 15 percent of the entire exam paper and it can make or mar a candidate in these exams. This best seller book contains Topic wise detailed theory of all topics as per latest sylabus of CSIR NET, supported by topic wise detaied solved examples for clear understanding and topic wise practice questions and previous year solved questions. This book is a combination of four parts: (I) Logical problem (II) Algebra problem (III) Geometry Problem (IV) Scientific problems. If you've got these competitive examinations around the corner, this is the book for you!! It is one of the Best Reference Guides that will help every student irrespective of the academic background to perceive elementary mathematics right. In order to boost preparation for the examination, candidates can work on the practice model questions provided in this book. Do you want more information about IFAS please visit: https://ifasonline.com