KESAR ZEMS Gold Plated Energised SREE Saraswati Yantra(7.5 X 7.5 X 0.01 CM) Golden.
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Our brands believes to provide the good quality products to our customer so that customer will get satisfaction as they want.KESAR ZEMS Gold Plated SREE Saraswati Yantra(7.5 X 7.5 X 0.01 CM) Golden.Devi Saraswati is controller of Education, intellect, speech and join through education. Knowlege is power. Everybody needs enhance their knowlege throgh various ways like academic pursuits, private studey of religious/ spiritual treatises etc. From Vedic times, Goddes Saraswati is regard as the giver of wisdom. She is also referred as Vak devi(goddess of speech) and Sakala kaladhishtatri(goddesss bestowing all the art forms.) One of the Trantric means is the worship of saraswati. Different geometrical form are recommended for different purposes. Carefully prepared Sarswati, if propitiated with ardent devotion can definitely enhance the knowledge of the devotee. By worshipping Saraswati students will perfrom well in the examinations. Concentration and memory power will increase. Only good thoughts willl springup form their minds. For acquiring spiritual wisdom also, the grace of Goddess Saraswati very essential. Energization of Saraswati Yantra : Please note that as such, the Yantra sent to our clients are already energized by our Guruji according to rituals required as per ancient vedic texts and therefore it may be directly placed in the Puja Room. However, if the client wishes then additionally He / She may do the following : On Thursday morning, after having bath, wash the Yantra with clean water and wipe it clean with a soft piece of cloth then install it with full faith at your worshipping place. Light a lamp and kindle some incense sticks. Offer White flowers and then recite the Beej Mantra of this Yantra . Beej Mantra :-" Ya Devi Sarv Bhuteshu Buddhirupen Sansthitha Namastasye Namastasye Namastasye Namoh Namah ". Sitare Saraswati Yantra Gold Plated Puja Energised Copper Pooja Article Enhance The Knowledge.