Kojie San Dream White Soap 2 in 1 135g Each (Pack Of 2) Anti Ageing Soap
Quick Overview
IMPORTED - Product of Philippines
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Dream White soap brightens the skin while reducing visible signs of aging. It contains collagen and elastin, the substances in the skin that contribute toward a youthful appearance. This soap replaces the stores of those enzymes that have been lost over time or destroyed by exposure to the elements. All-natural kojic acid reveals a bright, light skin tone. All of these powerful yet safe ingredients are delivered to the skin in a moisturizing blend of coconut oil and olive extracts.
- 2 Bars - 135g each!
- Collagen plumps fine lines and wrinkles
- Elastin provides a firming effect
- Makes skin look younger by fading sun damage
- Provides overall lightening for a more youthful glow
- Skin will look increasingly younger and fairer with regular use
- Coconut oil conditions skin and gently treats acne
- Lush scent for a luxurious cleansing experience
- Gentle enough to be used as a daily facial cleanser