PONDLILY Humic Granules a Complete Soil Conditioner - 500 Gram
Quick Overview
Humic is the end product of microbial decomposition of dead plants and animals. They decompose it into organic matter. Humic acid forms majority of humus. Humus is most fertile soil parts.
About This Item
· Add organic matter to the soil and improves soil fertility
· Increases water holding capacity and prevents nutrient loss due to leaching
· Helps in proper uptake of nutrients
· Stimulates activity of beneficial microbes
· Improves plant and root growth
· Over comes moisture stress
· Improves yield through healthier plant
Small Plants : 20 Grams – Apply once in 15 days
Medium / Large plants: 50 Grams - Apply once in 15 days
Recommended crops: Tomato, Brinjal, Bhendi, Chillies, Greens, Pomegranate, Banana, Guava, Jasmine, Rose and Indoor Plants
Method of Application:
Apply Pondlily Humic Granules near root zone over the soil and irrigated immediately