RID ALL General Aid Fish Medicine 120 ML
Quick Overview
- Genral Aid is a famous standard preparation.
- It is used as a cure and more as a general prevention of most of fish diseases commonly faced by the aquarium trade.
- It is widely used in fish farms and hatcheries all over the world; and by exporters of aquarium fishes to cut down mortality rates during transit.
- Unlike most acriflavine based products "Rid-All" General Aid will not cause the lethal egg binding in most aquarium fish.
Directions for use: For Ich, Mouth And Body Fungi, Fin And Tail Rot, Torn Fins, And Sore Spots: Add 5 ml of general aid with one teaspoonful of Salt to 5 Litres of aquarium water. Repeat after 2 days if no improvement is observed using 10 ml. For most gold fish diseases such as Red Spots And Bleeding Veins On Hns, Constipation, Bladder Problems, Lack of Appetite, Use 5 Ml to 10 Litres of Water along with one teaspoonful of salt. As a General Tonic and while adding new fishes, or as a prevention of diseases, particularly In baby fishes, use 5 ml of general aid into 25 litres of water weekly.