Stainless steel wire gauge SWG 0-36 MM 0.30mm to 8.23mm metric to imperial chart included and a storage pouch.The product on display is Gauge SWG Circular 1-36. The Wire Gauge can measure from 1 to 36 and hence is most versatile in application. Made of Hardened and Good Quality Steel, which ensures no wear and tear of the gauge during measurements. This gauge is a boon for Wire manufacturers, Plate manufacturers, Fabricators, Traders, Students, and Jewelers. The preciseness of the dimensions has made wire gauge a very popular Measuring Tool among Jewelers. Wire Gauge is a very handy and day to day usage precise tool to measure the thickness of Metal Plate or Dia of a Wire.
Note - Remember to wear eye protection
Note - Photographs are for illustration purpose only. Actual item may slightly differ from the pictures shown.
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