Seeds-5 Rare Beautiful Rainbow Rose - Multicolor Rose - High Quality |
                      Seeds-5 Rare Beautiful Rainbow Rose - Multicolor Rose - High Quality

Seeds-5 Rare Beautiful Rainbow Rose - Multicolor Rose - High Quality

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Rare Beautiful Rainbow Rose seeds - Multicolour Rose
(5 Seeds pack, High Quality USA Seeds)
(Immediate Shipping, Not like other cheapest low quality seeds)
(With Instruction Slip)
FREE 3 Seeds!!! with each pack. Limited Period Offer

Rose cultivation methods for reference purposes only;How grow rose from seeds instructions:Growing roses from seed can take some time, but you will be rewarded for your efforts.Seed StratificationWhen it comes to seed germination, many people do not realize that rose seeds require cold treatment in order for them to sprout properly.What is Stratification?In nature, seeds require certain conditions in order to germinate. Seed stratification is the process whereby seed dormancy is broken in order to promote this germination. In order for the stratification of seeds to be successful, it is necessary to mimic the exact conditions that they require when breaking dormancy in nature.Cold treatment for seeds is necessary for rose seeds in order to break the dormancy cycle and germinate.How to do Cold treatment for rose seeds:You have to soak seeds for 24 hours in water. Plant the rose seeds approximately ¼ inch deep with equal amounts for sand and peat in seedling trays or your own planting trays. The trays need not be more than 3 to 4 inches deep for this use. When planting rose seeds from various rose bush hips, I use a separate tray for each different group of seeds and label the trays with that rose bushes name and planting date.The planting mix should be very moist but not soaking wet. Seal each tray or container in a plastic bag and place them in the refrigerator for 4 to 6 weeks.Check the seeds regularly to be sure that the planting medium is moist. Check the seeds after 4 weeks to see if they are sprouting, as some seeds may require a longer period of cold and wet conditions.The next step how to grow roses from seed is to sprout the rose seeds. After having gone through their stratification time, take the containers out of the refrigerator and into a warm environment of around 70 F (21 C). Seedlings would normally be coming out of their cold cycle (stratification) outside and starting to sprout.Once in the proper warm environment, the rose seeds should start to sprout. Your rose seeds will usually continue to sprout over the course of two to three weeks.Once the rose seeds sprout, carefully transplant the rose seedlings into other pots. It is extremely important not to touch the roots during this process! A spoon may be used for this seedling transfer phase to help keep from touching the roots.Feed the seedlings with half strength fertilizer and be sure they have plenty of light once they start to grow. The use of a grow light system works very well for this phase of the rose propagation process.Do not over water the rose seedlings; over watering is a major killer of seedlings.Provide a lot of light as well as good air circulation to the rose seedlings to avoid disease and pests. If disease does set in on some of them, it is probably best to eliminate them and keep only the hardiest of the rose seedlings.The time it takes for the new roses to actually flower can vary greatly so be patient with your new rose babies. Tips