SS520 Natural Loofah Sponge Body Scrubber Organic pack of 2
Quick Overview
It is an essential bath tool which exfoliates, deep cleanses and removes toxins, leaving you with a radiant complexion. A loofah is a fibrous plant seed pod. The luffa plant is a cucurbit, a group of plants including gourds, pumpkins, and cucumbers. It grows as a flowering annual vine. The pollinated flowers grow cylindrical green fruits that eventually develop into a seed pod filled with many intertwined cellulose fiber. The outer skin is removed to reveal the "loofah" inside. Sea sponges are members of the animal kingdom. They grow on the sea floor and filter food out of the water. The word sponge is often used to describe loofah "sponges" with absorbent properties like sea sponges. USES LOOFAH SPONGES When fully matured the fruits become a tough mass of fiber that makes a great scrubbing sponge. These natural cellulose fiber wonders of the vegetable world have many uses. They can exfoliate the loose cells from your skin and make you skin squeaky clean or shine up your dirty dishes. Loofahs are most excellent in the bath or shower. The exfoliating action leaves your skin feeling the cleanest and tightest it could possibly be. Scrubbing your back with a luffa sponge in the bath or shower is an incredibly pleasurable experience.