Sulemani Hakik 41.55 Ct 46.16 ratti Sulemani Stone Sulemani Akik Sulemani Agate Black Sulemani Hakik Pendant
Quick Overview
Sulemani Haqeeq is considered to be a fateful stone.
It is believed that the Sulemani Haqeeq stone is a semi-precious gemstones.It is used by many astrologers to nullify the evil effects of Rahu and Ketu.
By wearing it the person is filled with positive energy and always looks happy. It is avert the evil eyes, and improves physical and mental health. Sulemani Haqeeq stone is strengthens hair, heart, kidney, eye, nails and nerve.
Also, it is solves the problem of insomnia.Sulemani Haqeeq stone eliminates stress neurological disorders and apathy. It helps in removing negatives thought.
It helps in controlling emotions and passions and also inspires spiritually.The one who wears Sulemani Haqeeq stone obtained fortified self confidence, responsibility and sharp senses.
That's why mothers keep this stone around their newborns.
Sulemani Haqeeq or Sulemani Akik or Sulemani hakik or Sulemani Aqeeq or Sulemani Agate or Black Sulemani Hakik..... etc.
Sulemani Hakeek is a black opaque stone with white and very multi colour stripes or very visiable lines in it.
Sulemani Haqeeq stone is said to avert the evil eye, kill negative energy, improves physical and mental health by providing stability. A great stone for very sincere hard working people, as it is considered to gain success in the unfavorable circumstances and failures..
Ruling Planet:
Associated with planet Saturn, but considered to nullify negative effects from Rahu and Ketu. This stone is of great importance in “Islam”. This stone for the positive energy.
Healing Properties:
Real Sulemani Haqeeq stone is suppose to be helpful in strengthening the heart, kidney, nerves, capillaries, hair, eyes and nails. Sulemani Haqeeq is said to be a stone for Mooladhara Chakra and is very useful in averting negative energies from any chakra.