Tibetan Folk Tales
Quick Overview
Every country has its folk-lore tales that have always been a joy and pleasure to the children, not only of their own land, but of other lands as well. The 49 children’s stories in this book were told as the Tibetan folk sat around their boiling tea made over a three stone camp-fire. They have been handed down from father to son and from mother to daughter. Though often filled with their superstitious beliefs, through them all run a vein of humor and the teachings of a moral truths which is quite unexpected. These tales were gathered by Dr. A. L. Shelton on his trips among the Tibetans. He collected them as he joined Tibetan families around their camp-fires at night, and in their black tents high up in the Kunlun, Karakorum and Himalayan mountain ranges. May these stories add a little to this pleasure and enjoyment everywhere, in whatsoever tongue they may be translated or in whatever land they may be read.