Vilton Trendy Beautiful Cosmetic Natural Beauty Makeup Brush With Mini Storage Box With Black Storage Box (Pack Of 12)
Quick Overview
VILTON PROFESSIONAL MODEL MAKEUP BRUSH WITH EYEBROW THREAD PACK OF 12, EYEBROW BRUSH PACK OF INCLUDE IN BRUSH With EYEBROW THREAD SET, LIP BRUSH PACK OF INCLUDE IN BRUSH STORAGE BOX, FLAT EYE BRUSH PACK OF INCLUDE IN BRUSH STORAGE SET SUPREMIUM AND BRANDED COSMETIC PRODUCT, EYESHADOW BRUSH IS A EYE BRUSH USE OF ALL MULTIPURPOSE USE OF FACE PACK, BLENDING BRUSH IS A PACK OF MOST BRUSH IS ALL QUALITY ENHANCED OF BRUSH MATERIAL SOFT AND SYNTHETIC BRUSH INCLUDE IN FACE BRUSH, EYELINER BRUSH IS A NOT MELTING QUALITY AND CHEAPEST PRICE AVAILABLE IN BRUSH, AND FOUNDATION BRUSH IS FACE PACK BRUSH AND ALL CONSIDER BRUSH IS A MAKEUP FOUNDATION BRUSH KIT PACK. Add a splash of color to your makeup brush collection! This set of professional makeup brush set from Vilton. Vilton has provided makeup essentials to customers from all over the world! Each brush is crafted meticulously starting with the wooden handle, which is glazed with a durable Satin finish. The bristles are composed of either natural or synthetic hair. The material of the bristles confer distinct dynamics to the brush and every bristle composition is designed to deliver optimal performance for each style of brush. Whether you are a professional makeup artist or just a makeup enthusiast, this unique brush set is a must-have for your collection.