Yoko Papaya Extract Whitening Cream 4g
Quick Overview
Yoko Papaya Extract Whitening Cream (4g)
Skin lightening products is another way to get rid of this problem. Most of the people look for effectiveness of product while purchasing any skin whitening cream that will help to choose best product for your skin. Yoko Whitening Cream is the most effective product in market.
Aloe Vera Extract:
White Oil Vaseline White, Kojic Acid, Lanolin, Allantoin, Vitamin E, Beeswax, Chthyle Alcohol, Titanium Dioxide and Perfume.
Papaya: Chthyle Alcohol, Allantoin White Oil Vaseline White, Beeswax, Titanium Dioxide, Lanolin, Perfume, Kojic Acid and Vitamin E.
SPF15: Beeswax, Cetylalcohol, Vaseline White, Mineral Oil, Perfume, Titanium Dioxide, Allantoin and Lanolin Oil.
· It comes in three several formulations.
· This product is suitable for every men and women.
· It helps to lighten all hyper pigmentation marks.
Weight: 4gm.
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