Zenius B Cute Capsule Reduction Capsule Tightening Medicine Reduce Medicine (60 Capsules)
Quick Overview
Key Features - :
Benefits - 1.Best non-surgical reduction with B Cute capsule. 2.Eliminates excess cells, provides a curving shape. 3.Balances estrogen levels for effective reduction. 4.Ideal for achieving a natural "C" shape . 5.Safe and natural option for reducing size.
Additional Information- Natural woman reduction capsule is worked by killing fatty cells in the mammary s. This medicine is the outcome of years of research and experiment by medical researchers and nutritionists. They spend lots of time and effort to develop the formula
Ingredients - Ashwagandha, Shatavari, Safed , Barli, Vidarikand, Lodhra, Konch, Majuphal, Jaiphal, Javitri.
DosageTake 1 capsule twice a day with milk or warm water or as directed by the physician