Zenius Mulondo Root Powder for Count Increase Medicine
Quick Overview
Key Features - :
Benefits - 1.Fertility Support: Targets male ual debilities. 2.Natural Revitalization: Revitalizes and re-energizes coitus process. 3. Count Boost: Aids in increasing count. 4.Quality Improvement: Enhances quality naturally. 5.Addressing Causes: Targets lifestyle, diet, and pollution effects.
Additional Information- Support hormonal balance: Hormonal imbalances can affect fertility in men. Some male fertility supplements may contain ingredients that may help to support hormonal balance., Boost : Some male fertility supplements may contain ingredients that may help to increase , or drive., Support overall reproductive health: Male fertility supplements may contain a range of nutrients that may support the overall health of the reproductive system., Reduce oxidative stress: Some male fertility supplements may contain antioxidants that may help to reduce oxidative stress, which can damage and affect fertility.
Ingredients - Mulondo root.(Mondia Whytei)
DosageTake 1 to 2 teaspoon night time a day with warm milk