Other Details | Country of Origin or Manufacture or Assembly | India | Common or Generic Name of the commodity | Ayurvedic Juices | Net Contents | 1 | Manufacturer's Name & Address | Bionics Herbals, 2239-k Phasei-2, Ground & First floor, Sonipat, 131029, Haryana, India | Packer's Name & Address | LM25 AAROGYA INDIA Pvt Ltd, E-23, HALF BACK Underground Office SECTOR 63, NOIDA, Uttar Pradesh | Marketer's Name & Address | LM25 AAROGYA INDIA Pvt Ltd, E-23, HALF BACK Underground Office SECTOR 63, NOIDA, Uttar Pradesh | Importer's Name & Address | LM25 AAROGYA INDIA Pvt Ltd, E-23, HALF BACK Underground Office SECTOR 63, NOIDA, Uttar Pradesh | |