Other Details | Country of Origin or Manufacture or Assembly | India | Common or Generic Name of the commodity | Backpacks | Net Contents | 1 | Manufacturer's Name & Address | Krishiv Bag Manufacturer, +91 8849643548 - 71, Pushp Deep Ind. Hub & Arcade, Saraspur, Ahmedabad - 380018, India | Packer's Name & Address | Krishiv Bag Manufacturer, +91 8849643548 - 71, Pushp Deep Ind. Hub & Arcade, Saraspur, Ahmedabad - 380018, India | Marketer's Name & Address | Krishiv Bag Manufacturer, Ahmedabad - 380018, India | Importer's Name & Address | Krishiv Bag Manufacturer, +91 8849643548 - 71, Pushp Deep Ind. Hub & Arcade, Saraspur, Ahmedabad - 380018, India | |