Nutrixia Food Babul Fali Powder/Babool Phali Powder/Babool Fali Powder/Kikar Phali Powder 980 gm |
    			Nutrixia Food Babul Fali Powder/Babool Phali Powder/Babool Fali Powder/Kikar Phali Powder 980 gm

Nutrixia Food Babul Fali Powder/Babool Phali Powder/Babool Fali Powder/Kikar Phali Powder 980 gm

Quick Overview

Rs.376 on SnapdealBuy
  • Vegetarian
  • Nutrixia Food
  • Flavour/Variant (Actual):Babul Fali Powder/Babool Phali Powder/Babool Fali Powder/Kikar Phali
  • Food Preference:Vegetarian
  • Speciality/Feature:Natural
  • The liability of any violation of the FSS Act and applicable Rules and Regulations made thereunder is that of the Seller and not of Snapdeal
  • SUPC: SDL246004610
Other Details
Country of Origin or Manufacture or Assembly India
Common or Generic Name of the commodity Powdered Spices
Net Contents Babool Phali
Manufacturer's Name & Address Nutrixia Food
Size/Dimensions of the Commodity Standard
Packer's Name & Address Nutrixia Food Navi Mumbai
Marketer's Name & Address
Importer's Name & Address Nutrixia Food