Other Details | Country of Origin or Manufacture or Assembly | India | Common or Generic Name of the commodity | Luggage Tags | No. of Items inside | | Item Weight (g) | 45 | Manufacturer's Name & Address | Plot no.A9, Survey No:610/2 & 612, Industrial Area, Moula-Ali, Hyderabad | Packer's Name & Address | Plot no.A9, Survey No:610/2 & 612, Industrial Area, Moula-Ali, Hyderabad | Marketer's Name & Address | Plot no.A9, Survey No:610/2 & 612, Industrial Area, Moula-Ali, Hyderabad | Importer's Name & Address | Plot no.A9, Survey No:610/2 & 612, Industrial Area, Moula-Ali, Hyderabad | |