Other Details | Country of Origin or Manufacture or Assembly | India | Common or Generic Name of the commodity | Bath Towels | Net Contents | 1 | Product Length (cm) | 155 | Manufacturer's Name & Address | Kan International,D-15b,Ground Floor,Lajpat Nagar-2nd,New Delhi-110024 | Packer's Name & Address | Kan International,D-15b,Ground Floor,Lajpat Nagar-2nd,New Delhi-110024 | Marketer's Name & Address | Kan International,D-15b,Ground Floor,Lajpat Nagar-2nd,New Delhi-110024 | Product Width (cm) | 78 | Importer's Name & Address | Kan International,D-15b,Ground Floor,Lajpat Nagar-2nd,New Delhi-110024 | |