Other Details | Country of Origin or Manufacture or Assembly | India | Common or Generic Name of the commodity | Immersion Rods | Manufacturer's Name & Address | | Packer's Name & Address | | Marketer's Name & Address | | Importer's Name & Address | | |
Box Content | In the box | hiting rod | |
General | Brand | Stylopunk | Type (in Watts) | 1500 W | Model Name | Heater rod water hiting rod | Colour | BLACK | |
Dimensions | Product Height (cm) | 3 | Product Length (cm) | 10 | Product Weight (kg) | 0.34 | Product Width (cm) | 3 | |
Body | Thermostat | Yes | Heating Element Type | HIGH | Heater Material | Steel | |
Power | Power Requirement (Volt/Hz) | 220 | |